
Thursday 15 May 2014

Life on the dairy farm

                               Life on the dairy farm

20th March 2014

When the mummy cow is pregnant, she stands up or lies down. When the calf is born it will pop out fast and try’s to stand up right away. Then the farmer will see if the calf is born and when it is, the farmer puts them in a safe shed.

In the shed the little calves are always very hungry. Most of them are very greedy,  and want to be first getting the milk. As they grow older they will eat heaps of grass and they will drink lots of fresh clean water not milk.

When the young calves have tiny horns they have to be removed or disbudded and have an injection to prevent infection. They do this while cows are young so they do not hurt one another.

The farmer keeps the best female calves to be a dairy milking cow also called heifer. The dairy cows are kept in a special shed.  The males are slaughtered for meat and the best male is kept for breeding.
By:  Caitlyn

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