
Thursday 4 December 2014

The little boy on a mini bike

where:dirt track
what:A boy on a mini bike
why:his dad encouraged him

On a sunny bright day I take one step and dust comes in my eyes then I see I’m in a dirt track. I look around and I see a little boy on a mini bike high up in the air, then in my mind I fear for him. My heart starts to beat faster and faster then I get butterflies in my tummy. I say what if this is a dream, I open my eyes wide and it’s true I really see a young boy on a mini bike.

Then I say in my head, I will never let my kid on a mini bike. My face is flush to see if this is really happening.
My body starts shaking and my muscles tighten. I turn around and see a beautiful tree nice and green.

I fear for him and the caretaker is  calm.
I feel so much fear that I’m tense and I start sweat, does the caretaker even realizes the kid needs safety. He can end up in hospital if he fell off his mini bike.    

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