
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Fruit Flys

    Fruit Fly Explanation                   By: Caitlyn

Fruit flies have a devastating harm to New Zealand and many countries. They particularly destroy our good quality fruits and vegetables that have vitamins. They especially ruin  tomato, capsicum, eggplant, pumpkin, all berries, avocados and more.

Fruit flies lay baby eggs called maggots and they get laid inside ripening fruits.

Did you know that in New Zealand  we sell our fruits overseas for a good price and if the fruit flies keep on spoiling our fruits our whole economy will go down. Many people from other countries won’t accept our fruits and vegetables.

The MPI (The Ministry of Primary Industries) have been struggling to get rid of these fruit flies pest so if you see a fruit fly get a plastic container and get some scrunched pieces of tissues and then put the lid on and then put it in the fridge. If you find any fruit flies in your neighborhood or in your house phone the MPI: 0800 80 99 66.


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